Leave your Comfort Zone Behind
Life begins at the end of you comfort zone. We are our own worst enemy and fear is our sidekick. We have developed this idea where we can only be comfortable in certain areas. This idea keeps us locked in a box called our comfort zone. Over the past years my comfort zone has grown to a whole new level. It is the hardest thing to do but it is well worth it. Four years ago, my family moved. I became a very shy person afraid to talk to anyone. I would cling to my mother’s side everywhere we went. That is where I was comfortable. Being the wonderful mom my mother is she signed me up for a speech club with 4-H. I wanted to die; the very first meeting they called me up to give a limited prep speech. I read my topic and froze two minutes later I heard a voice say "times up". I stood there shacking and shuddering; I couldn't even tell you what I said in those 32 seconds that I talked. ...