
Showing posts from February, 2016

The "Essential" Apps for Life

     To get out of the habit of checking social media I deleted all the apps from my phone for a week.  When I went to download them all again I noticed something, they are under the category of essentials.  The Apple app store tells us that Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, etc are "essential."  What???  They are essential for procrastination, and wasting time.  These apps are not essential to everyday life.  I decided to look a the other apps in this category.  They have some reasonable ones including an alarm clock, calculator and financial tracker.  Then there are ones that make me more sad like Temple Run, Clash of Clans, Tinder, and the Starbucks App.  What are we doing with our lives America?  Can you please look up from your block that "connects" you to the world and see the humans in front of you?   The Reason I went Social Media free: This is what I get for falling.      I was fru...

Definition of a Trader

This video is brought to you by Right Now Media. I couldn't have said it better.  Our world is not our home but it is our mission.  Spread the love the Christ this Valentine's day.  Learn to love the way He loves us.  Single or in a relationship we all have the love of Christ flowing through our hearts.  Will you choose to accept that love? With the love of Christ, Lizzy ---Next week: What is Love? ---

Let me take a selfie...

     What is your favorite memory?  I can't choose just one and once I have thought of one the list multiplies from there.  There are so many miniature moments with friends or family that will be stored in my mind forever.  I wanted to post a collage this past week of memories I had with the friends I miss, so I did.  As I was scrolling through I realized I don't have any current photos with a bunch of my dearest friends.  I will visit friends and say to myself don't forget to get a photo with the person you haven't seen in forever.  Then it slips my mind.  Living so far away has made me value the short coffee shop dates and playground getaways.  Now that I don't see groups of friends each week, it gives me months to anticipate and look forward to the long conversation I will have with that one dear friend.  Why do we value photos?   I value photos to commemorate time, there is a bittersweet joy in a picture of you and a p...