Super Sundays

Today has been absolutely bazaar.  I just got home and I want to sleep so I am going to make this post quick.  We attended the local church service with the Boykins it was really cool and I learned alot.  Everyone is so nice and all the elderly women just wanted to give all of our team members hugs.  After church my house of girls went out to lunch and took a very fun adventure around the island.  One of the coolest things about Spanish Wells is you drive around in golf carts.  They don't need cars because the island is so small.  I can't believe there is only two days left.  I have connected with some wonderful young ladies and I wish I could stay here and help them each day.  Some of the girls have really opened up to me and they don't want me to leave.  I have pushed into some very difficult situations and I can't wait to see them all play out tomorrow.  Good Night!  I miss everyone so much.

Posted via Blogaway


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