I am called to be Content?


1 Timothy 6:6&7 " But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either 

Philippians 4:11  I am not saying this because i am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 

As I returned from Endeavor about a mouth ago, I realized that i wasn't content in my daily life.  I knew that the craziness of moving into an RV was God's plan and in the hands of God but I wasn't grateful for His plan.  My lack of contentment was showing up in every.  In the way I viewed living in an RV, every time I looked at myself in a mirror, in my test scored, basically it was every where.  Through out the week on Endeavor we discussed comparison and contentment, and how they are one in the same.  I wasn't content because I was comparing myself to other people.  I was comparing myself to my friends that had bigger houses, friends that I viewed as more beautiful that I am, and other students that got better scores that me on test.  This battle had been going on for years.  The battle of contentment.  I came home ready to win this battle, but I didn't realizes how many of my "men" had already died and how hard it would be to win contentment.  With in three days I was back to my complaining ways.  I was wanting this and wanting that.  (I was truly quite annoying)  Then I was sparked with the vision of winning the battle again.  It is extremely hard but I can already tell you it is way worth it.  To live in contentment you have to live in Thanks-living.  Constantly being grateful for the little things like the way the "air smells on a cool crisp morning".  With every little thing you are grateful for your are rebuilding your army and you gain new eyes to see the world as God does.  Not full of problems but full of opportunities.  I am challenging you to write down at least one thing you are grateful for each day, and to start fighting the battle of contentment.

~ Lizzy 


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