Am I boy crazy?

          First things first when I speak of being boy crazy I don't mean that all girls are attracted to multiple guys at once, as the Urban dictionary describes it.  I simply mean that we get crazy over boys.  Each of us girls will reach a phase in life when we are single and desire to have a boyfriends, it is natural we are looking forward to the future.  As a young girl growing up watching romances and even reading romances, I thought I knew exactly what love was.  Sadly I had no clue what love was, because it wasn't what Hollywood portrayed.

          Let's all be honest with each other, you are boy crazy.  Yes I am calling you out.  We all desire the attention of any guy.  We just want to be told we are beautiful, smart, or wise.  Have you ever found yourself liking a guy because he said something nice to you once?  It is nice to hear that you look pretty from one of your girl-friends, but when a boy calls you beautiful suddenly hormones take over.  Your heart races and you being fantasizing falling in love.  Then you have the eye opening moment when you realize that you know nothing about this boy.  You placed your imagination into this poor boy.  There is no need to fear because your not alone and it is "normal".

Embarrassing Story Time:
When I was in fifth grade I developed a crush on the new kid at our elementary school.  It turned into a crazy crush as I now call it.  I "liked" him for two years, before I realized I had a crush on my imagination and not him.  this was a depressing realization.  I was sitting in my bed one night reading my Christian romance novel, when it dawned on me, what I "knew" about my crush was based off this book.  The best part is that I told this boy that I liked him, before I realized this.  (oh, the good old middle school days)  Y'all it gets even better because I didn't learn from my first crazy crush and it happened all over again in the transition from eighth to ninth grade.  If I were to make an excuse I would have so say that a majority of my friends were in a relationship and I felt it was only fair if I was too.

          Girls you are not alone, we all get crushes and being boy crazy doesn't make you immature.  Being a teen girl is crazy complicated.  Our hormones are constantly messing with our emotions.  We continually realize that boys no longer have cooties, now they are cute.  Controlled and not crazy crushing is okay.  It shouldn't be the first question we ask each other as girls.  It wasn't until I transitioned to being home-schooled that I realized "How are you and your crush?" or "Who do you like?" were not normal questions you asked your girlfriends all the time.  We are young and free the last thing we need it to chain ourselves emotionally to a guy.  Whether you are a girl who is obliviously a little boy crazy(like I am around a crush) or a girl who is a little boy crazy but know how to play it cool.

"Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters with absolute purity" 1 Timothy 5:1-2

          Let your friendships with guys grow, don't put of friendship barriers by forming crushes on everyone of the guys that come into your life.  Treat them as brothers, get to know them for who they are.  Having boys as friend is awesome they have unique input on life.  One day you might get married, and you won't want to have your husband be the only guy you can be friends with because you form crushes on all the others.  Habits turn into life styles.  Sometimes it is okay to be a little boy crazy.  One day you will be crazy about one boy for the rest of your life.  Everyday till and after you get to learn how to be crazy about God.  
Think it over... What does it mean to be boy crazy to you?  Is it a good or bad thing?  Are you more crazy about boys than God?



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