Clear the Stage by Jimmy Needham

     As life seams to speed up and the week comes to a close this song comes into my mind.  The world will always pull us deeper in but we are our best selves when we give God the rains and let Him tug on our hearts.  Pastor Charles Stanley once said, "Earthly wisdom is doing what comes naturally.  Godly wisdom is doing what the Holy Spirit compels us to do."  The world is all about quick fixes, but God knows that our pain, or problems can be solved with his love.  Our Messiah came to fix our messes.  All we have to do is clear our stages and fix our eye toward our king.

Listen to this song with an open heart, and open mind:

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:2 

     This is the constant battle all Christians face.  Not falling into the world.  "Anything that I can't stop thinking of is an idol."  Lyrics that we have to constantly play in our heads.  This past week I couln't stop thinking about school work, and the friends I miss.  How amazing would it be if this world didn't matter to us and all we thought about was God.  That would be a beautiful life to lead!

Let's live thinking about about Jesus, loving our Lord, and putting nothing before our God!



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