Mary vs. Martha
Have you ever gotten to know someone who it the exact opposite of you? Maybe you are even related to your other side. Mary of Bethany and Martha are the sisters that are complete opposites. Their older brother Lazareth is who Jesus brought up from the dead. When Jesus would travel to Bethany He would stay with Mary and Martha. These ladies set the stage on what it looks like to be a followers of Jesus, in there different ways. I think God used these sisters to show us what we should strive for in our relationship with God. Are you a Martha or Mary?
Martha is know for her "famous" scene in the kitchen, getting irritated that her sister wasn't there to help her prepare food for all their guest. In Luke 10:38- 42 we read this story and see her ask Jesus, "Do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." Having taken over the role of oldest sibling in our house hold I can related to Martha. After all my brothers do call me the Mother Hen. Often times when we are frustrated with our to do list and see someone else sitting around doing nothing(in our eyes), we get more irritated. Demanding their help so we can get the job done sooner.
Mary on the other hand was sitting at Jesus's feet worshiping by listening and pouring perfumes and oils on his head. While in that time he role was in the kitchen and most of the people in the room thought she should have been in the kitchen. Jesus knew that what she was doing was of higher value. She worshiped Jesus before the world knew He was the son of God. In Jesus's words "She has done good work for Me. For you will have the poor with you always, and when ever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have always." We read this and her story in Mark 14:1-9.
Two opposites both worshiping God in different ways. We can't go through this life glorifying God by staying where we are and sitting at his feet like Mary. On the other hand we can't go through life like Martha trying to fix all the world's problems on our own. That leaves us weak and not prepared to be a strong part of the body of Christ. You might be asking yourself "If neither of them are perfect then how were they showing us Jesus." Like most things in this crazy life we can find Jesus at the center of it all. Mary's desire to listen and her wholehearted devotion of love toward God, is one thing we have to strive toward. A love for God, and a desire to know Him, through His Word. Martha's desire to serve, put's feet on her faith, but she was blinded because her heart wasn't in God 100%. God-honoring service must flow from a heart that is fully in love and en-captured but Christ. Sad news is that I haven't found the perfect middle ground between Mary and Martha, but I know that it take a heart full of both desires (service, and listening) to worship our King. Do you know your different moments? Do you see both sister's personalities in your life? As as each one of us strive to be apart of the body of Christ, remember that our uniqueness make us strong, not weak. Guys and gals my challenge for this week it to become like your opposite if you are like Martha strive to become Mary(and vise versa).
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