Remember Who You Are

     Do you ever feel lost in life?  Like you are traveling with your eyes closed.  Maybe you feel tugged in two different directions.  I often get lost going any where.  There are so many ways to get to one place.  Often as Christians, we can lose sight of where we are going.  The world bombards us with thoughts, emotions, opinions that cause us to get caught up and confused. 
Watch this scene from the lion kind and then continue reading...

     That scene has always amazed me, it continues to open my eyes.  We are all constantly undergoing an identity crisis, losing sight of who we truly are.  "Look inside yourself.  You are MORE than what you have become.  Remember who you are.  Remember..."  Who are you?  Are you a introvert or extrovert?  Public schooled or home schooled?  A teen or adult?  Right or left brained?  Is any of that really who you are, or does it hide who you need to remember? 
     It is natural to loose sight of God. (no need to feel like a bad Christian)  There are so many different ideas, and directions being shouted into our ears.  We become discouraged, no matter how many times we sing Hakuna Matata.  We just don't know what to do, or how to feel.  "You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way!" In every weak moment were we can no longer see God alive in our life's, hopefully we have a Rafiki in our lives that will gladly whack us in the head, and lead us back to our father.  Often times that is all that we need is a little whack on the head.  We all just need a Rafiki(a friend or family member) to say "Nope wrong again."  Even when we are wrong over and over again He still desires to say "Remember me, for I haven't left your side.  My child I will carry you. Take my hand."  We may spent years running in the opposite direction from God, yet he calls us back with open wide arms.  Jonah ran from God, and Moses ran from his family; God used them to establish a path of faith and to show His open arms.  At one point or another we will all want to run, as far, and as fast as we can to get away from our lives.  What if we stopped and instead of running looked in the mirror and remembered who we were, who"s we are.  What empowering news it is to know that our Father isn't gone, and forgotten but He is alive and living in you. 
My friends I know it is hard to believe that there is a love without any conditions(or strings attached), but it exists.  God loves us even when we are useless and confused.  This week look deep inside yourself and ask "Who am I? Who's am I?  What does it mean to be His?"  Also take note that if you look into yourself and find who you are in Christ, then you just might be challenged to become the next Rafiki, Moses, or Jonah.
Comment below your opinion!
A little more about Liz:   
If asked my favorite move the conversations would experience an awkward silence while my brain searches through all the movies I've seen.  Bottom line I can't choose a favorite because there are just so many good films out there.  Since I know I've boosted your curiosity.  My top movies in no particular order.
  • Lion King
  • She's the Man
  • Inside Out
  • Fireproof
  • Courageous 
  • Divergent Series 
  • A Walk to Remember


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