I Refuse
Often we forget to breath, we forget to take a step back and see things outside of our personal worlds. It is hard to go every way at once. There is a need and craving all around us for love, for peace, for justice and for so much more. What gets you out of your seat? What calls you to conquer the world, and spread the much needed love? Do you refuse to hear that call? I encourage you to refuse to sit around, this week refuse to let the world around you go unloved. Many prayers are said in passing, or they pass off our lips as we pray before we shove food in our faces. Most of all my friends, why would you wait for someone else to do what GOD called YOU to do? Each of us are a different set of hands and feet that God has made for a unique purpose and a unique time. I can guarantee that my weakness are your strengths or vice versa. I'm not saying that it won't be hard. Some days your strengths will feel like your biggest weakness. I am here to tell you that through it all, God is your only strength. More than ever it is time to realize what it means to do what we are all made to do. Through all things be confident, and show all people who God is. Don't live like you don't care! Chase each day with love and endurance. Don't refuse to do all God has called you to do.
Go conquer the world with love my friends!
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