
Showing posts from October, 2016

Everything will be okay

When we go through hard times you know exactly what all your family and friend are going to tell you.  They will say things like: "Everything will be okay."  "You are strong.  I believe in you."  "Hold on pain ends"  Or even worse they make promises that they can't keep or even make promises about things they can't control.  This is a battle and nothing will magically become okay without some serious painful heartbreak and difficulties.  The negative of this world will tear you apart, and consume every portion of your brain.  No matter how strong you've been in the past, or how high you've gone; you will be weak, you will crash to your lowest low.  Even the strongest parts of your daily life and attitude will turn against you.  You will become a slave to the things of this world.  A slave to your gods.  They will consume you.  They won't care about your struggles or love you but for small periods in eac...