Everything will be okay

When we go through hard times you know exactly what all your family and friend are going to tell you.  They will say things like: "Everything will be okay."  "You are strong.  I believe in you."  "Hold on pain ends"  Or even worse they make promises that they can't keep or even make promises about things they can't control.  This is a battle and nothing will magically become okay without some serious painful heartbreak and difficulties.  The negative of this world will tear you apart, and consume every portion of your brain.  No matter how strong you've been in the past, or how high you've gone; you will be weak, you will crash to your lowest low.  Even the strongest parts of your daily life and attitude will turn against you.  You will become a slave to the things of this world.  A slave to your gods.  They will consume you.  They won't care about your struggles or love you but for small periods in each day they will tease you with "happiness" and they will laugh when you fall for that temporary joy.  This world it terrifying and the only force that is for you is the Lord.  During these hard times, we often quote verses like Philippians 4:13 saying "I can to all things through Christ who strengthens me."  And we say or hear that without listening or paying attention.  The hope of this verse is in the first part "I can do all things."  That is the main part we listen to and get pumped by, that is the easy part of the verse because it is what we want.  The important part of the verse is the part we speed read "through Christ who strengthens me."  While Christ is ready with open arms to give you all the strength you need, you have to trust Him and give Him all your struggles.

All of us have little "g" gods that we struggle with.  Some gods include but are not limited to relationships, money, power, control, popularity/fame, material possessions, traveling the world, and the list goes on.  The danger comes when we begin to focus on and trust those gods above our God.  None of these gods can keep us safe or provide us with strength.  For "the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs to it and is safe."  When we run away from the Lord towards our gods we begin to struggle with anxiety, depression, or any other weakness we have.  The farther we get from Him the more power we give the little g gods.  Christ can only strengthen Him if we give Him the ability to do so.  We have to ask for His help.  He has to know that we are willing to give up our gods to have the love, support, and safety that can only be found in Christ.  You don't have to be a slave to fear or to your gods.  Slowly and genuinely give them to the only one who has the power to control and take care of them.  Don't be a slave to the gods of this world but rejoice in your ability to serve a loving God who will keep you safe.

From slave to servant
Give God control, trust His wonderful plan, then everything will be okay.



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