Out on Eleuthera

A day full of adventure from the very beginning.  We went out to Northern Eleuthera explored and experienced the culture.  We also did a lot of directing and planning sessions to prepare us for our first day in Blackwood tomorrow.

After our 9:00 ferry from Spanish Wells to Eleuthera we ran into our first adventure.  Our cars that we rented had not arrived so we bonded as a group on the dock and got to meet some islanders as we waited.  The day's adventures continued with the arrival of all the sketchy cars.  Our first stop was the glass window bridge.  After that stop on of our tires popped and went flat.  We climbed rocks and went to Queen's bath.  Then we took an adventure to the grocery store.  It was like a big warehouse and nothing was very organized.  It surprised me that they advertised thanksgiving sales and the huge price difference.  After the store, we got VERY lost trying to find the Blue Hole.  We made many u-turns on a very narrow street.  As we were turning around the car I was in found limes and got very excited.  We collected about 15 limes to bring back to our house.  The enthusiasm and energy of the group makes me so happy to be apart of this team.  I was a wonderful experience to get to bond with the team before going to Blackwood.

Sorry today's update came late last night got crazy with an inventory of donations and team meetings.
Waiting on the dock

Fixing the flat tire

The grocery store


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