The dumbest thing I could ever do....

The day has come.... the world will finally have me in the realm of "adults."  I've never felt more like a child.  It has been in the days and months leading up to my adulthood that I have been most reliant on my parents for support and discipline.  I've also been more reliant on my heavenly father than I have ever been.  I've made my biggest mistakes and lived missing people 24/7.  As my age tells me, I am an adult, and I've never wanted to be more like a child.

I've done a lot of stupid things over the years, I've made tons of mistakes.  As I have gotten, older my mistakes have lost the innocence factor that they once had.  Most of the time I even give myself a bop on the head for making stupid mistakes.  Recall when you were young, and you made a mistake but you know it was in the most adorable way possible.  Then your parents had this mental battle going of reacting to your adorability and punishing you.  I miss being adorable and getting away with things.  Often as we get caught up in this ever changing world and the desire to be anywhere but where we currently are.  We lost the beauty of being a child.  Children are believers, they are growing, they are free to be themselves, and they run to others when they need help.  Why would I ever want to let go of carefree childhood?  Now that I'm eighteen, I plan on living more like a child.  Free from worry, constantly consumed with the current moment in time.  Life moves by too quickly to be obsessed in tomorrow instead of living in today.

Here I am world, officially an "adult," let the adventure begin.  One step at a time....


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