
Showing posts from March, 2017

My Long Distance Relationship... with God

For many years I have felt like God has been playing this big joke on me.  He created me very people oriented and then placed all my people hundreds of miles away.  I've struggled with but also thrived in my long distance relationships.  I've had relationships that have formed entirely over long distance and relationships that simply continued to be long distance after meeting at a camp or on a mission trip.  In the beginning, these friendships taught me the importance of being a prayer warrior, and how prayer can bring people closer to one another even miles apart.  To this day the long distance relationships that support my life are the best gifts God has ever given to me.  As I started to complain to God about my relationships all being long distance, He gracefully reminded me that everything He does is done for a reason. Distance is physical, not spiritual.   Distance builds spiritual strength.  I've come to reali...

Lost in my wilderness

I walked into God's presence today.... I heard the ground praise.   I saw the plant trust. I watched as the dust served. The water showed me how to thirst. The wind taught me how to breathe. My eyes saw His grand beauty  My ears heard the earth praise  My nose smelt the wonder of God My mouth fails to express the glory He deserves My hands felt the detail in His creation This week the earth taught me how to worship.  In all that nature does it praised God.   I got lost in my wilderness.  While I'm not like the Israelites and I haven't been wondering in a literal wilderness, I found myself wondering through life.  Just like the Israelites I was paying attention to all I didn't have and not the blessings that were constantly being poured on to me by Christ.  Instead of being in awe that God was giving them manna daily and providing water through rocks, they spent there time looking for the things that weren't th...

What is love?

"What is love?"  This question circulated my thirteen-year-old mind, and for years I've tried to understand love long enough to write a post about it.  The question circulates the world around us in songs and movies.  Often all of us say "I love you" to family and friends without even thinking about what we are saying.  We also say that we love food or love sports.  The overuse of this four letter word has filled its meaning with confusion.  What is love?  If we do not know what love is, then how are we to love? No matter who or what we are loving, love gets messy.  Love is passionate and often all-consuming.  Love is both the basis of good and evil.  We use the word love when other words just don't quite fit the bill for the levels of emotion we are feeling. Our first problem in understanding love is realizing that there is only one word in our language for love.  You could use like or adore, but they aren't the...