Lost in my wilderness
I walked into God's presence today....
I heard the ground praise.
I saw the plant trust.
I watched as the dust served.
The water showed me how to thirst.
The wind taught me how to breathe.
My eyes saw His grand beauty
My ears heard the earth praise
My nose smelt the wonder of God
My mouth fails to express the glory He deserves
My hands felt the detail in His creation
This week the earth taught me how to worship. In all that nature does it praised God.
I got lost in my wilderness. While I'm not like the Israelites and I haven't been wondering in a literal wilderness, I found myself wondering through life. Just like the Israelites I was paying attention to all I didn't have and not the blessings that were constantly being poured on to me by Christ. Instead of being in awe that God was giving them manna daily and providing water through rocks, they spent there time looking for the things that weren't there. In reading Luke 19:40 this week I continued to realize I was missing out on God by focusing on the world. In that verse Jesus states "I tell you if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." The people were praising Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem and the Pharisees told Jesus to tell them to stop. He simply said that if my people stop praising the earth will just praise louder. The stones really do praise. All of His creation beautifully worships. Now I simply aspire to praise God as the earth does and focus on my life's manna.
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