
Showing posts from April, 2017

Love is simply complicated

Love is the most complicated thing.  It's a concept I'll constantly be trying to wrap my head around.  It is the reason behind everything.  We celebrate Easter and good Friday, knowing the reason why Jesus died on the cross and saved us from our sin is that He loves us deeper than can be fathomed.  In 1 John 4:19, we discover that we love because Christ first loved us.  The hardest thing to do is love but to love is also the easiest thing to do. Recently I've discovered some amazing things about love.    Distance makes the heart grow fonder.  Whether the distance is physical, spiritual, or both spending time away from the ones you love in some strange way only makes you love them more.    To let go and let God, is a pure kind of love.  When you are able to do hard things for the ones you care about you experience a new depth to love.    A broken heart is a blessing.  In order to have a broken ...