
Showing posts from June, 2017

Living Present in the Present

     Today, the next 24 hours are an adventure for me.  I have no idea what they hold, I could guess who I may see but that isn’t even known for sure.  Today could be a day I’ll remember forever or simply another building piece to the process of life.  What if the past repeats itself today?  What if today changes the path of tomorrow? There are very few of us living in our current set of 24 hours.  We either dwell in the past or try to control our future.  We lose sight of the fact that all we can do is live. Life is all about the journey and the process not about the destination or the plan.  The events in life that challenge us and break us down are meant to form us into our future selves.  However, we use them as weapons against ourselves.  They come back to haunt us, to break us over and over, then ultimately we never change we just become more broken.  I make mistakes daily, I am a walking mess, but it is es...