Living Present in the Present

     Today, the next 24 hours are an adventure for me.  I have no idea what they hold, I could guess who I may see but that isn’t even known for sure.  Today could be a day I’ll remember forever or simply another building piece to the process of life.  What if the past repeats itself today?  What if today changes the path of tomorrow?
There are very few of us living in our current set of 24 hours.  We either dwell in the past or try to control our future.  We lose sight of the fact that all we can do is live.

Life is all about the journey and the process not about the destination or the plan.  The events in life that challenge us and break us down are meant to form us into our future selves.  However, we use them as weapons against ourselves.  They come back to haunt us, to break us over and over, then ultimately we never change we just become more broken.  I make mistakes daily, I am a walking mess, but it is essential to learn from your mistakes then hand them to God.    
It seems that once we master letting go of the past we pick up this new habit of trying to learn how to control the future.  Life is full of uncertainties, full of plot twist we didn't quite expect.  We want the safety in knowing that we will always have enough money, we will have jobs we enjoy, we want to know that we will be physically and spiritually safe.  The purpose to live isn’t to be safe but in turn to trust that all things are done for good.  When we live in safety too long we start to believe that we are what got us there.  The challenges in life aren’t only there to help us grow and be remodeled but to humble us as well. 

“Where ever you are be all there” Jim Elliot

I've come to love the passage in the beginning of Luke 5 verses 1-11.  Simon is living in the moment.  He is mending his nets.  A daily task that most of us skip over.  We must constantly mend our nets.  We have to fix the holes and wash off the dirt so that our nets remain strong.  If we just sit around waiting for God to call us without letting Him move in us then when He does call we won't be prepared.  Not only does Simon mend his nets daily when he is called by God to do something that was against what he did daily he didn't ask why he said: "because you say so, Lord."  In this passage, Simon is fully consumed in today.  When we live in our current set of 24 hours then we are giving God the control, letting God be God, and we get to step back and see Him continuously move as we are consumed by Him.

Live today like there wasn’t a yesterday and there isn’t a tomorrow.  It’s time to show up so that our Lord can show off!  All you can do is mind you news today.  Live present in the present.  Today was specifically designed for you.  Don't get caught up in anything than what is right in front of you.

Go!  Adventure with God this week!

If you wanna see my dysfunctional transition to purple hair here's the link.  Sisters that Shine is an online community for Christian girls striving to live for Christ.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want to get involved


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