
Showing posts from September, 2015

Four Days in the life of Liz

This week wasn't too eventful.  The most out of the norm thing this week was my TB screening to volunteer at the Hospital.  Like I said last week I am not the best at writing my post on time.  I am getting into a new grove and once I am in my grove I should be better. Monday is the day I go the TB protein injected for the test and it was read on Wednesday.     I also had my regular classes Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday are my at home days I had a history test Tuesday and I had to read a biography on George Washington. This week wasn't to crazy.  Wednesday was my craziest day with school and then the TB reading, then I drove David a back and forth from youth. As you go into this week think about why you do things or who you do them for.  "Why we do something is far more important that what we do" " But the  Lord  said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. ...

A Letter to my readers...

Dear blog reader,      If you read my blog each week you may have noticed that I am not the best about getting my post out every Friday.  If you have read my blog from the beginning you know that it started when I went on a mission trip, hence Lizzy's Footprints.  My idea for the blog was to post every Friday (Friday's Footnotes) and share with all of you what footprints I was leaving, my view on different subjects, and to share my weaknesses along the way.  As I have blogged over the summer I decided that I needed a mission statement or verse for my blog.  I haven't yet decided what that could or should be.  This upcoming week to start my next series and really a new less crazy path for my blog.  I am going to share with you what my weeks look like though a video.  I want to focus on Psalm 119 as I blog though this next series the 'Roller Coaster of Life: and the faith you need to get through it.'  As a friend has recently reminde...

Strong Enough

Biblical success is faithfully using our talents, gifts, and opportunities to glorify God.  Often times we find the world telling us that we aren't strong enough.  Most of the time I find that the ideas of not being strong enough come from with in.  If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.  Often times we look on our to do list think this is more than I can do.  Just like the parable of talents from last week God knows our strengths and our weaknesses.  To get to success and to check off everything on our to do list sometimes we aren't strong enough on our own .  When we finally get low enough we will look up, and maybe that is the point of weakness.  To bring us full circle back into His hands of mercy.  "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13 is a verse that is true every day.  He gives us strength to power over our weaknesses.  Whether that be patience, humility, contentmen...


Have you ever thought about the meaning of success?  Why do we strive to be in the spotlight?  What does God say about being successful?  Mathew 25:14-30 shares with us the parable of the talents.  (Go read it! Mathew25:14-30 {Bible Gateway} ) The master gives them their talents according to their ability.  Knowing that the servant who only got one talent wasn`t as capable as the servant who got five talents.  Success should be weighed on our past accomplishments, not the accomplishments of others.  Diversity is woven through all of us.  In turn it doesn`t make sense to compare our weakness to others strengths.  God`s power is made perfect in our weaknesses.  Just as God said to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Success is measured by degree of effort.  Biblical success is faithfully using our talents, gifts, and opportunities to glorify God. If God b...