
Showing posts from November, 2015

Thanksgiving Prayer

Our Dear Father,      Another great year is coming to an end, a year full of both joy and sorrow.  We praise you for the blessings that have filled each moment.  Acknowledging that you have been and will be faithful through it all.  Our weary, tired, hearts have been revived through your word.  Through unpleasant days, when our eyes overflow with tears we look to you and receive peace.  Breathlessly we stare into your beauty, amazed by the love you have bestowed upon us and the love overflowing from us onto others.  With each breath, we have you our King to praise.  Above all we thank you for your eternal and gracious love.   Hallelujah, all glory be to Christ!

He will Awnser

         Do your prayers align with God's plan?  When our prayers get answered it isn't always what we want to hear.  To pray that God leads you to the right decision without getting your emotions/opinions involved has always been difficult.  God recently closed a door I had been praying about and I really wanted it to be an open door.  As Christians we are told to pray without ceasing.  Prayers aren't merrily us asking for things we want or need help with.  Prayer connects us to God, just like any relationship you need good conversation.  We are supposed to pray challenging/scary prayers.  I prayed one intimidating praying over these past couple of months.  I prayed that God would lead Teen Pact (a program for teens to learn about government and leadership) to the correct decision to choose me to staff or not.  I also asked Him to prepare me for the opening or closing of this door.  The door close...

What is Prayer?

         As a young girl going to church and hearing the pastors prayer each week seamed long and pointless to me.  Who in the world was he talking to?  During prayer time I would often zone out and go into my own little world.  Eventually I brought a journal to church and would write to God.  He seamed more real that way, but communicating with God was something I only did at Church or when I needed or wanted something.  About five years ago a mentor asked if she could pray for me I said yes and she prayed for my heart.  I was struck with the power of prayer.  I have been drawn to the confusing power of it since.  Webster's 1828 dictionary defines prayer as "I n worship, a solemn address to the Supreme Being, consisting of adoration , or an expression of our sense of God's glorious perfections, confession of our sins, supplication for mercy and forgiveness, intercession for blessings on others, and thanksgiving , or ...


     In order to reach the top we have to strive through the uphill struggle.  On a roller coaster the first uphill is slow and you sit listening to the clicking of the gears till inertia kicks in.  The first hill will always be the hardest.  Reaching the top of the first hill changes everything.  After going through all the gears I see the top of the of the first hill as our turning to God.  And the magic of inertia as God leading us through the struggles.  Each hill will make us stronger.  We have to build our 'muscles' in order to reach the top of every new hill.  Once we reach the top and conquered our current problem we tend to fall away from God.  Instead while we are close to God we should be asking him to prepare us for the next up/down hill.  Over the summer at camp I was introduced to this verse that has turn into my prayer, "Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true.  With thanksgi...