What is Prayer?

     As a young girl going to church and hearing the pastors prayer each week seamed long and pointless to me.  Who in the world was he talking to?  During prayer time I would often zone out and go into my own little world.  Eventually I brought a journal to church and would write to God.  He seamed more real that way, but communicating with God was something I only did at Church or when I needed or wanted something.  About five years ago a mentor asked if she could pray for me I said yes and she prayed for my heart.  I was struck with the power of prayer.  I have been drawn to the confusing power of it since.

 Webster's 1828 dictionary defines prayer as "In worship, a solemn address to the Supreme Being, consisting of adoration, or an expression of our sense of God's glorious perfections, confession of our sins, supplication for mercy and forgiveness, intercession for blessings on others, and thanksgiving, or an expression of gratitude to God for his mercies and benefits.  A prayer however may consist of a single petition, and it may be extemporaneous, written or printed."  

     Prayer comes in may forms and consist of a plethora of thoughts.  There is no such thing as a good or bad prayer.  Just like you can't have a bad conversations.  You can find multiple acronyms for what to say during prayer(some examples at right).  Although there is some wise advice in these acronyms our inspiration for prayer should come from His word or what is going on in our world.  Prayer is merely conversation with our creator.  Just like you wouldn't have the same conversation with the same person over and over again.  You shouldn't pray the same thing each time you pray.  Since prayer is a conversation with our creator it isn't going to just be like talking to a friend.  In praying we are told to give thanks, and praise to our God.  Although you would thank a friend you wouldn't necessarily praise a friend like you should your King.

Another obstacle faced when starting constant conversation with God is the fact that you can feel like you are talking to empty space.  After first experiencing the power behind prayer I wanted to make it apart of my daily life.  I felt a little crazy when I decided to pray out loud.  It was different from all those moments I just talked to myself.  Now I was talking to an empty space expecting God to hear.  He does listen.  Prayer can be strange but with no question it is powerful.

Till next week,  
Pray without ceasing, my friends!


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