
Showing posts from April, 2016

Remember Who You Are

     Do you ever feel lost in life?  Like you are traveling with your eyes closed.  Maybe you feel tugged in two different directions.  I often get lost going any where.  There are so many ways to get to one place.  Often as Christians, we can lose sight of where we are going.  The world bombards us with thoughts, emotions, opinions that cause us to get caught up and confused.  Watch this scene from the lion kind and then continue reading...      That scene has always amazed me, it continues to open my eyes.  We are all constantly undergoing an identity crisis, losing sight of who we truly are.  "Look inside yourself.  You are MORE than what you have become.  Remember who you are.  Remember..."  Who are you?  Are you a introvert or extrovert?  Public schooled or home schooled?  A teen or adult?  Right or left brained?  ...

Mary vs. Martha

          Have you ever gotten to know someone who it the exact opposite of you?  Maybe you are even related to your other side.  Mary of Bethany and Martha are the sisters that are complete opposites.  Their older brother Lazareth is who Jesus brought up from the dead.  When Jesus would travel to Bethany He would stay with Mary and Martha.  These ladies set the stage on what it looks like to be a followers of Jesus, in there different ways.  I think God used these sisters to show us what we should strive for in our relationship with God.  Are you a Martha or Mary?           Martha is know for her "famous" scene in the kitchen, getting irritated that her sister wasn't there to help her prepare food for all their guest.  In Luke 10:38- 42 we read this story and see her ask Jesus,  "D o You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? ...