Am I boy crazy?
First things first when I speak of being boy crazy I don't mean that all girls are attracted to multiple guys at once, as the Urban dictionary describes it. I simply mean that we get crazy over boys. Each of us girls will reach a phase in life when we are single and desire to have a boyfriends, it is natural we are looking forward to the future. As a young girl growing up watching romances and even reading romances, I thought I knew exactly what love was. Sadly I had no clue what love was, because it wasn't what Hollywood portrayed. Let's all be honest with each other, you are boy crazy. Yes I am calling you out. We all desire the attention of any guy. We just want to be told we are beautiful, smart, or wise. Have you ever found yourself liking a guy because he said something nice to you once ? It is nice to hear that you look pretty from one of your gi...