
Showing posts from March, 2018

Still Alive

Y’all I’m still alive!  Be praying y’all!  There has been so much to process and I’ll update y’all eventually just need time to embrace this! Thank you for being dedicated to updates.  I love you all! ~Lizzy

La Vega

Day Two: March 19, 2018 Long cramped bus rides, extreme bonding, and gorgeous scenery filled out the day.  Today we went to the New Hope Academy in La Vega .  It is breathtaking to hear how God has worked a nd provided.  He has truly transformed the ministry with their new “mansion on a hill.”  The Dominican is a beautiful and blossoming place where a load of people lives and are experiencing God on the move.  Luke 10:2 “ He told them,  “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. ” The biggest lesson I learned today was to trust the wind and the waves.  This isn’t just me striving to be poetic.  The reckless beauty and dignified strengths of the wind and waves have become a simple to me of how the Lord works and moved in mighty and po werful ways.  We do not serve a God of mindless movements but one of intentional and radical relati...

Ministry Day

Day One: March 18, 2018 “Praise be God” a phrase heard over and over again throughout our day.  I can’t get over how beautifully God works within these missionaries.  Through going to church and experiencing each of the ministries I continually see God’s hand here in the Dominican Republic.  Today we went to church, which was in Spanish.  I adore getting to worship in forgiven languages.  Spanish is such an amazing language and I am continually growing such a desire to learn it.  The food here is fantastic!  They have been feeding us wonderfully.  We got to do a ministry tour today and go around to all the different ministries that they work with but all where we will continue to work throughout the week.  Including church plants, Life House, Mercy Home, and the Palms School.  I cannot express enough how beautifully God is working here in this place!  ~Lizzy

We are here!!

Thank you for your prayers as we traveled.  Our team has arrived safely.  We are very tired but expectant for all that the Lord has planned.  Tomorrow we are learning about all the different ministries we will be working with and for throughout the week.  We will also be attending church at a local church plant.  Today I have learned that I don’t know Spanish at all.  It will be a very interesting week putting my little bit of Spanish to use.  Overall, I am tired but looking forward to all that God has planned for this week.  It’s been extremely fascinating to see how God has placed us each so perfectly on this team.  ~Lizzy 

Ready? Set. Time to GO!

WOW!  In three days I'll be in the Dominican Republic.  That is amazing to me.  I've been expectantly preparing for this trip for months now but the fact that it is right around the corner is hitting me in waves of nervousness.  My passion to serve in the realm for human-trafficking is coming to life.  It is amazing me that I will be there so soon.   God has been preparing my heart.  I can't begin to express how amazed I am by how our Lord works and moves.  Last weekend God opened the door for me to go to The Garden Conference in Atlanta Georga.  There God worked on preparing me personally not only for the Dominican but also for this adventure in life I've been blessed with.  Blessed, its a word we use often in hashtags in this day and age but it also describes how I felt as I embraced knowlegde and worshiped this past weekend.  I am overwhelmd iwth a sence of blessing as I think upon how beautiful it is t...